About Us
Dr. Faye has delivered over 400 seminars worldwide, and everywhere he goes doctors and past students credit him for improving their professional and personal success.

Dr. Faye has been responsible for showing practitioners how increased skills leads to a greater professional income.
Chiropracticmentor.com has been on a mission to provide doctors and students the best method for applying the principles of how we learn so many skills. We provide Clinically-Effective and Time-Efficient techniques that allow you to become a master of manipulative skills for the Spine, Pelvis and Extremity Joints.
Our Vision is that everyone who utilizes our mentoring, streaming subscription, mimics the video instruction and reads the emails, sent every two weeks, will reach the level of conscious competency, and that their patients will respond to their best ability, by achieving a better quality of life, with less suffering. With increased subscribers, we will have the videos dubbed into Spanish and other large population languages.

Our Story
Practice Opened
Dr. Leonard John Faye graduated from CMCC in 1960 and practiced in England for 14 years, then Canada for 12 years. He has had a general practice in Los Angeles for 34 years and specializes in Sports and Geriatrics.
New Promises
Quality care means individualized treatment plans so that patients can achieve pain relief and a better quality of life through chiropractic techniques and methods.
Team Grows
Dr. Faye continues to be invited to present seminars around the world on the subject of clinical application of manual medicine and the S.A.I.D. Principle, which is necessary for tissue response and not just pain relief.
As you mimic the video demonstrations, we will send email newletters twice a month to assure you are progressing with the demonstrated skills. In the emails, you will also receive suggestions to support your manual medicine practice.

How to improve your referrals for a broader scope of practice

The most effective, drugless, healthcare provider is able to approach patients and their dysfunctions with the ability to answer the five most important questions: when is it possible to help, where, why, how and how often. This is the best instruction available, anywhere and absolutely essential for all “hands on” therapists.
BSc, DC, MSc, FRCCSS(C) Sports Performance Specialist
Ready to Change?

Dr. Faye explains the ins and outs of a Manual Medicine Practice so that your patients "FEEL" the need to comply with your series of visits, needed to get the tissue changes as well as the pain relief.
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